Edward Wade (buried 1913)

At a glance

At a glance
First name: 
Other Christian names: 
Hyde Robert Wybrants
Burial number: 
First Assistant Traffic Superintendent; Accountant and Assistant General Manager of the Government Railways, Ceylon
Heene Hallmark: 
Commonwealth War Grave: 

The Grave

The grave
Cemetery area: 
Cemetery row: 
Cemetery plot: 
Burial remains: 
The headstone
Endowed grave: 
Headstone inscription: 
In loving memory of Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade of Faircroft, Worthing formerly of Ceylon. Fifth son of the late Gustavus Rochfort Wade of Dublin born 14th February 1869 died 25th March 1913 "them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him" "With deep sympathy from the staff of the Accountant' Dept. Government Railway Ceylon"

Life story

Life story

Edward was born in Monkstown, Dublin, to Gustavus Rochfort Wade, 48yrs, Solicitor, and Mary, 36yrs, nee Mayne, on 14th February 1867 who were married in 1856 at St. Peter's, Dublin, by the father of the bride, Rev. Edward Mayne, of Co. Monaghan.

Edward was one of 12 children, 8 boys (1 died in infancy), and 4 sisters, one of whom was his twin, Kathleen Alice, and he was the fifth son, 2 of his brothers took Holy Orders.

Edward trained at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, and on the North Eastern Railway. He was appointed to the Survey Department of the Government of Ceylon in 1890, later transferring to the Railway Department where he became first Assistant Traffic Superintendent and afterwards Accountant and Assistant General Manager of the Government Railways. In 1893 Edward was elected an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He retired in 1910 and returned to Britain, Edward never married.

In 1911 Edward was with his brother, Reverend Sedborough Mayne Wade, at the vicarage in Ticehurst, Sussex. He then took up residence at Faircroft, Heene Road, Worthing, where he died, aged 46yrs,  on 25th March 1913. Probate was granted to his brothers, Gustavus Adolph, Esquire, and Rev. Sedborough Mayne Wade. Effects £5586 9s 5d. Value 2020 - £648K.

Burial researcher: 
Maggi Martin

Further information

Date born: 


Death (details)
Date of death: 
Age (at time of death): 
Cause of death: 
Address at time of death: 
Faircroft, Heene Road, Worthing, Sussex, England
Personal effects
Gustavus Adolph Wade status: Esquire: Sedborough Mayne Wade status: Clergy
Probate pounds: 

Census and miscellaneous information

Census information
1911 census: 

Living at The Vicarage, Ticehurst, Sussex. Sedborough M. Wade, 48yrs, Clerk in Holy Orders, Est. Church., wife, Louisa, 56yrs, brother, Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade, 44yrs, Retired Assistant General Manager & Acountant, plus 2 domestic servants.

Miscellaneous information

Membership of The Institute of Civil Engineers document signed by Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade
Membership of The Institute of Civil Engineers document signed by Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade
Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon
Twentieth Century Impressions of Ceylon

Extract from 20th Century Impressions of Ceylon

Edward Hyde Robert Wybrants Wade was born at Monkstown, near Dublin, on February 14th1867. He is the son of the late Mr. Gustavus Rochfort Wade, a Dublin solicitor, and a descendant of Field-Marshal Wade, who was Commander-in-Chief of the British Army from 1745 to 1748. After obtaining his early education at a private establishment near Liverpool, Mr. E.H.R.W. Wade passed to Reading School, and subsequently underwent a three years’ course of study at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper’s Hill, obtaining his diploma in 1888. Having received further technical training at the North Eastern Railway Company’s Works at Gateshead-on-Tyne, under Mr. T. W. Worsdell, then Chief Mechanical Engineer of the company. Mr. Wade was, in June 1890, appointed Assistant Surveyor in the Ceylon Government Survey Department. He arrived in Ceylon on July 17th, 1890 and entered upon his duties. These he performed so satisfactorily that in the following year Mr. Wade was appointed a District Surveyor. Zealous service in this position was rewarded by further promotion, and on June 7th, 1894 he became Assistant Traffic Superintendent of the Ceylon Government Railway. He acted several times as Traffic Superintendent and as Assistant General Manager and Accountant and was confirmed in the latter appointment on February 1st, 1906.