Worthing Gazette - 23rd April 1924
Easter Vestries - Rector of Heene lll
In the absence of the Rector (the Rev. JP Fallowes) through illness, the Rev. LS Blenkins took the chair at Heene Vestry meeting on Easter Monday, and he read a letter form Mr Fallowes in which the latter touched upon some aspects of the business to be done and expressed his disappointment at being incapacitated at such a time. There was a good attendance.
There was no submission of Church accounts to the Vestry, it being pointed out that these had already been published in the Parish Magazine.
The chairman reported that there were 581 communicants on Easter Day, and that the Rector's Easter Offertory totalled £88.11s.6d. The Electoral Roll of the parish had increased from 1,246 to 1,286, 12 names having been removed by death, and 32 taken off for other causes, and 84 members added.
In his letter the Rector nominated Mr JB Sams as his Churchwarden, remarking that he had served a year in that office with great satisfaction to him (the Rector), and he thought also to the congregation; and Major General Sir James Maher, C.B., K.C.M.G., was unanimously elected People's Warden, on the proposition of Mr HC Newton, seconded by Mr W Sams J.P., the latter remarking that he was a man in full vigour of health who had identified himself with the Church work since he came into the parish.
The sidesman were re-elected, with the addition of Mr CW Silversides (who is an old Churchwarden) and Mr WG Rodway (who has been Churchwarden of the Cathedral Church of Birmingham).
Sympathy and Thanks - Major General Sir James Maher, Mr HC Newton, Mr RW Charles, Mr WG Rodway, and Mrs Towers were elected representatives of the Diocesan Council; and Mr F Cory, Mr GH Poulton, Mr CW Silversides, Miss Holmes and Miss Doris Dobree were elected to serve on the Ruri-decanel Council.
The Vestry recorded their appreciation of the long service to the Church of the late Mr AS Roberts, "a good Churchwarden, a loyal colleague, and faithful friend," and tendered respectful sympathy to Mrs Roberts and family; and on the initiative of Mr H Nelson offered condolence to the Chairman for the serious illness in his family and also to the Rector and Mrs Fallowes.
Thanks to the Secretary for her services were proposed by Sir James Maher, who alluded to the amount of work for the parish done by Mrs Towers; and Mr Newton, in seconding, remarked that but few of them realised the amount of work Mrs Towers took upon her shoulders.
Grateful tribute was paid to Mr Gibbs for the work he had done for the last 20y years, particularly in connection with the finances of the Church, the vote being moved my Mr Cory to "his predecessor" and warmly supported by Mr EW Bennett, Mr Newton and Mr W Sams.