At a glance
The Grave
Life story
Further information
Worthing Gazette 24th April 1918
“Female Forester’s Death”
In the annual report of Court Dowager Lady Hatherton, of the Ancient Order of Foresters, extracts from which were published in this column last week, sympathy was expressed with the Sub-Chief Ranger, Sister M E Teesdale in her illness. Members of the Court will learn with regret that the illness has had a fatal termination, for Mrs Teesdale died a few days since from cancer.
Census and miscellaneous information
32 Miles Street, Lambeth.
Edward aged 34, photographers assistant. Eliza aged 34. Maud aged 8. Charles aged 6.
3 Heene Cottages, Worthing.
Ralph aged 21, cab driver and groom. Maud aged 19. Both lodging with John Mash, coachman and groom.
7 Heene Mews, Worthing.
Ralph aged 31, cab driver, livery groom. Maud aged 29. Hilda aged 8. Christopher aged 6 months.
7 Heene Mews, Worthing.
Ralph aged 43, cabman. Maud aged 38. Hilda aged 18, dressmaker. Christopher aged 10.

Edward Bex - Father of Maude
Maud’s father Edward was one of Worthing’s most famous photographers. He traded under the name of "Edward Edwards" and was based at 20 New Street. Her brother Charles ran the business when Edward died. For more information and examples of his work, see Sussex Photo History website.