At a glance
The Grave
Life story
Further information
The Banbury Guardian 5th November 1914
We regret to announce the death of the Rev. John Riley. M.A.. which took place the Home for retired Clergy of St. Barnabas, East Grinstead, on the 24th October at the age of seventy-four. The deceased was the father of the Rev. L. Riley, formerly curate Banbury, and was Vicar of Brill, Bucks, for many years. was an M.A. of Cambridge, and was ordained priest in 1866 by the Bishop of Winchester. He had held curacies Hurstborne Tarrant, Hants; St. Fraith, Stoke Newington; St. Augustine, Haggerstone; St. Paul's, Winchmore Hill; Seven oaks; and East Thorpe, Yorkshire.
Census and miscellaneous information
Bucks herald 26th June 1915
A stained glass window was commissioned by the Brill parishioners to honour the life of the Rev John Riley.
Brill, The Late Vicar - A new window has been placed in the nave the eastern side of the Parish Church in memory of the late Rev John Rilev, who was Vicar of Brill from 1902 to 1914. The cost of the window, £l00, subscribed by the parishioners. It was designed Herbert Bryans, and is a fine piece of work The inscription an follows:—"To the glory of God and in memory John Riley, vicar of this parish 1902 - 1914, this window in dedicated." A dedication service was held on Monday evening. June 14. The Bishop of Buckingham gave the dedication address, and assisted by the Revs. A. B Wright of Brill). L F Pigott (assistant curate of Brill), I. Appleton (Dorton). and J. Skinner (Oakley). Prior to the service tea was provided on the vicarage lawn, whore several of the subscribers were introduced to the Bishop. Amongst them was Mrs. Millington, daughter of the late Rev. J, Riley.