Species: Common Purple and Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)

Family: Pyrales (PYRALIDAE)

Category: Butterflies & Moths

Location: SW

A. Butterflies & Moths

B. Pyrales (PYRALIDAE)

Pyralid moths are also called 'snout moths' or 'grass moths', combining to make one of the largest families in the butterfly and moth order. The wingspans of this family of moths are small or medium, between 9mm and 37mm.

C. Common Purple and Gold (Pyrausta purpuralis)

This small, pyralid, day- and night-flying moth is often confused with the Mint Moth Pyrausta aurata. An expert eye is required to distinguish one from the other, and the county recorder for Lepidoptera has kindly confirmed that these two species - both seen and photographed here in the cemetery - are indeed different species.

This moth is double-brooded, flying from May to June and again from July to August.


Common Purple and Gold

This moth is double-brooded, flying from May to June and again from July to August. This individual was photographed in the cemetery in early July 2023.

The photograph shows this individual on Common Ragwort.