Species: Zebra spider (Salticus scenicus)

Family: Jumping spiders (SALTICIDAE)

Category: Arachnids

Location: SE

A. Arachnids

More extensive information on arachnids can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Jumping spiders (SALTICIDAE)

There are in the region of 6,000 Jumping spiders worldwide, making them the largest group of spiders. All species in this group have excellent vision, and although they do indeed jump when hunting, they tend to move cautiously and slowly.

Jumping spiders have four pairs of eyes.

C. Zebra spider (Salticus scenicus)

The male and the female of the Zebra Spider are easily distinguished, the latter having a black abdomen with white stripes, the former having a brown abdomen with white stripes. Both are small, at about half a centimetre in length.

They are widespread across Britain.

This species is generally darker than the Narrow-banded Zebra spider.


Zebra spider

The male and the female of the Zebra Spider are easily distinguished, the latter having a black abdomen with white stripes, the former having a brown abdomen with white stripes.