A. Flowering Plants
More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.
Members of this poisonous family have bisexual flowers, and they include many common garden plants as well as wildflowers. The family name means 'little frog'!
C. Wood Anemone (Anemonoides nemorosa)
Wood Anemones are short white flowers that appear in Britain in early-spring. They grow from underground rhizomes, and die back after their spring flowering period. Their delicate white flowers are solitary, one to a stem, appearing before a cushion of green palmate leaves above which these flowers protrude. They are perennials and flower from March to May. The white flowers of the Wood Anemone can be flushed with pink or blue.
The example in the Cemetery was planted there and, with luck, it will spread. They can colonize corners of woodland of which they approve, but do so very slowly - some say at no more than six feet per century - using a spreading root system, its seeds being infertile.
The short flowering season of the Wood Anemone led to ancient Greeks regarding the flower as a symbol of early death. The plant is poisonous and is dangerous to animals and people alike.