Species: Wild Pansy or Heartsease (Viola tricolor)

Family: Violets (Violaceae)

Category: Flowering Plants

Location: Widespread

A. Flowering Plants

More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Violets (Violaceae)

The 5-petalled colourful flowers of our native violets brighten up woodlands from March. In folklore violets are symbolic of love.

C. Wild Pansy or Heartsease (Viola tricolor)

Mauve, lavender, white, and yellow are the colours commonly seen on the highly variable flowers of our wild pansy. The common garden pansies are hybrids from this freely self-seeding native. Its flowering period in the wild is from April until November. The beautiful Heartease is worthy of serenading with the lovely Renaissance lute solo of this name.


Wild Pansy or Heartsease

Mauve, lavender, white, and yellow are the colours commonly seen on the highly variable flowers of our Wild Pansy.