Species: White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla)

Family: Plume moths (PTEROPHORIDAE)

Category: Butterflies & Moths

Location: Widespread

A. Butterflies & Moths

B. Plume moths (PTEROPHORIDAE)

Plume moths are a family of moths with modified wings, often resembling small feathers. They are typically tiny moths.

C. White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla)

The White Plume Moth has a wingspan of between 25 and 35 millimetres. It is white with small black spots evident on its wings. The forewings are divided into two feathery plumes, the hind wings into three. These five paired plumes are the reason for its Greek name pentadactyla, meaning 'five fingers'.

This moth is nocturnal, but can be disturbed during the day. They fly between June and July. It is common in Britain.

This moth hibernates over winter as a small larva.


White Plume Moth

The White Plume Moth has a wingspan of between 25 and 35 millimetres. It is white with small black spots evident on its wings.

White Plume Moth

The forewings of the White Plumed Moth are divided into two feathery plumes, the hind wings into three. These five paired plumes are the reason for its Greek name pentadactyla, meaning 'five fingers'.

White Plume Moth

The White Plume Moth is nocturnal, but can be disturbed during the day. They fly between June and July. It is common in Britain.