Species: Weevil - unnamed 1 (Mecinus pyraster)

Family: Weevils (CURCULIONIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.


Weevils are also called 'Snout beetles', many of which have unusual downward-curving snouts with elbowed antennae. Most feed on plants and can be major pests of cultivated plants. They are harmless to people.

These small insects belong to a large family of perhaps 80,000 species worldwide.

C. Weevil - unnamed 1 (Mecinus pyraster)

This small weevil - about 3.5 mm in length - was photographed on Ribwort Plantain, one of its favourite food sources. They are widespread in England and Wales.

This weevil is slightly larger than Mecinus pascuorum and lacks the red body tint that the latter has.


Weevil - unnamed 1 (Mecinus pyratser)

This small weevil - about 3.5 mm in length - was photographed on Ribwort Plantain, one of its favourite food sources.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)