Species: Vinegar fly - unnamed 1 (Scaptomyza sp.)

Family: Vinegar flies (DROSOPHILIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: One Sighting

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Vinegar flies (DROSOPHILIDAE)

Drosophilidae are vinegar flies, also called fruit flies. From this family of flies is the famous fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) which is used extensively for research in the fields of genetics, ecology and behaviour.

These flies have extremely short lifespans, with minimal signs of ageing, making them idea for rapid longitudinal studies in the laboratory.

These flies tend to breed in rotting material, often rotting fruit.

C. Vinegar fly - unnamed 1 (Scaptomyza sp.)

This small fly, as far as we know, is typical of vinegar flies, being short-lived and feeding off rotting matter.


Vinegar fly - unnamed 1 (Scaptomyza sp.)

This small fly, as far as we know, is typical of vinegar flies, being short-lived and feeding off rotting matter.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)