Species: Twenty-plume moth (Alucita hexadactyla)

Family: Many-plumed moths (ALUCITIDAE)

Category: Butterflies & Moths

Location: Widespread

A. Butterflies & Moths

B. Many-plumed moths (ALUCITIDAE)

The Alucitidae family of many-plumed moths share a wing structure that has the appearance of a fan of tiny bird feathers. It's a small family of perhaps 200 members. Only one species of this family, the Twenty-plume moth, is found in Britain.

C. Twenty-plume moth (Alucita hexadactyla)

The fairly common-found Twenty-plume moth is a 'micromoth' with a wingspan of between 14 and 16 millimetres. Seen close-up, the wings of this small moth take the form of a fan of plumes, as if made from tiny bird feathers. The white, black and brown zigzag pattern running down the length of these little plumes is distinctive.

The larvae of these Twenty-plume moths feed on Honeysuckle.


Twenty-plume moth

The Twenty-plume moth flies all year round, this individual being spotted in January.