Species: The Deceiver (Laccaria laccata)

Family: Gilled Mushrooms (HYDNANGIACEAE)

Category: Fungi

Location: One Sighting

A. Fungi

More extensive information on fungi can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Gilled Mushrooms (HYDNANGIACEAE)

Species in this family commonly form ectomycorrhizal relationships with the roots of trees, both deciduous and coniferous. They may have mushroom-like fruiting bodies or gasteroid bodies (like puffballs).

C. The Deceiver (Laccaria laccata)

Deceivers often show different colours when wet or dry. This species is tawny to brick-red when moist and ochre-yellow when dry. The depressed caps are wavy at the margin.


The Deceiver

Deceivers often show different colours when wet or dry. This species is tawny to brick-red when moist and ochre-yellow when dry.