A. Insects (Other)
More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.
B. False Blister Beetles (OEDEMERIDAE)
False Blister Beetles are the world's largest insect group with around 4,000 different species in Britain and 300,000 different species worldwide. This family of beetles have hard coverings over their front wings, and biting mouthparts.
C. Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)
The Swollen-thighed Beetle is only 8 to 10 mm long, but its bulging thighs are unmistakable, although only the males have this characteristic. This beetle is a pollen feeder, as is hinted at in the photograph below of it on a Pontentilla in the Cemetery.
Swollen-thighed Beetle
The Swollen-thighed Beetle is a pollen feeder, as is hinted at in this photograph of one on a Pontentilla flower in the Cemetery.