Stump Puffball

This saprotrophic species, the Stump Puffball, is found in large clumps on decaying tree stumps and branches.

Species introduction

At a glance
Latin name: 
Lycoperdon pyriforme
Gilled Mushrooms
Family Latin name: 

Species description

Species description

This saprotrophic species is found in large clumps on decaying tree stumps and branches, and is one of the few puffballs that grow directly on wood.  It releases its spores through a pore opening at the top of the fruiting body.


Species photographs

Larger photograph(s) (click to magnify)


Species family information

This fungal family comprises many important decomposers which survive on dead wood, mulch, leaf litter, and logs. They can be seen growing in grassy areas of the cemetery and are generally feeding off surrounding plant roots and debris. The mushrooms in this group generally have dark/black spore prints, which may be seen when the caps are left to rest, gills down, on paper or glass overnight. Moisten the cap with water and put a glass over it to stop it drying out.

Category information

Of surviving life forms, the Bacteria are the most ancient, followed by the Archaea. These two groups, the Prokaryotes, lack a membrane-bound nucleus in their cells. From this lineage evolved the Eukaryotes, possessing a nucleus in their cells, two types of which evolved, the Unikonta, with a single appendage (flagellum) for propulsion, and the Bikonta, with two appendages (flagella). The Unikonta gave rise to first the Fungi, then the Animals. The Bikonta evolved into the Algae and Plants. The Fungi therefore share a common ancestor with the Animals, whereas neither is closely related to plants. For this reason, vegans and vegetarians should not eat mushrooms or other fungi, nor eat bread or consume alcoholic drinks because they are prepared using yeast, a fungus.

Colloquially, the word ‘mushroom’ is used for edible species and ‘toadstool’ for poisonous species, but there is actually no scientific distinction between these words. Mycologists, the scientists who study fungi, use the term ‘mushroom’ for all species that have the familiar fruiting bodies that we see above ground. Many fungal groups do not have fruiting bodies, and they have a terminology of their own.

Unlike plants fungi can’t make their own food, but must derive it from plants or animals, living or dead. Fungi called saprophytes serve an important function decomposing and recycling dead matter back into the soil. Symbiotic fungi grow on living organisms, but do not damage them, whereas parasitic fungi do harm their living hosts.

Further information

Agaricales Order Information

This group contains the familiar gilled mushrooms, some being edible, some poisonous, and species with a variety of other fruiting bodies.  Most are saprotrophic, but some are parasitic and some mycorrhizal.  The oldest known fossilised mushroom is a member of this group, 125 million years old.