Species: Spiny-winged fly - unnamed 1 (Suilia variegata)

Family: Spiny-winged flies (HELEOMYZIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Spiny-winged flies (HELEOMYZIDAE)

Heleomyzidae flies are a family of perhaps 750 species that are distributed throughout the world. They are small to medium in size. They favour decaying plant and animal matter.

C. Spiny-winged fly - unnamed 1 (Suilia variegata)

Adults of this species are most often found in the vicinity of fungi and decaying matter, both media of which are suitable for their larvae. These flies are found all year round, with peaks in April/May and July/August.


Spiny-winged fly - unnamed 1 (Suilia variegata)

Adults of this species are most often found in the vicinity of fungi and decaying matter, both media of which are suitable for their larvae.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)