Species: Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

Family: Hairstreaks, Coppers and Blues (LYCAENIDAE)

Category: Butterflies & Moths

Location: One Sighting

A. Butterflies & Moths

B. Hairstreaks, Coppers and Blues (LYCAENIDAE)

This is a diverse group of colourful butterflies. The hairstreaks get their name from a thin white line on the underside of the wings. Female blues are often more brown than blue, and the Brown Argus is not blue at all.

C. Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas)

The Small Copper is a fast-flying butterfly with a distinctive orange band on the edge of its hindwings. The bright orange forewings of the Small Copper add a splash of colour to a late English summer.

This butterfly is widespread across Europe and can be found throughout Sussex. It feeds on the yellow flowers of Common Ragwort and Dandelion, both of which occur in the Cemetery in abundance. Various observers have described the male Small Copper as being territorial and pugnacious!


Small Copper

The Small Copper is a fast-flying butterfly with a distinctive orange band on the edge of its hindwings.