Species: Sharp-tailed bee (Coelioxys sp.)

Family: Mason bees (MEGACHILIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Mason bees (MEGACHILIDAE)

Mason bees (also known as leafcutter bees) are mostly solitary bees. Several collect plant or animal hairs to assist in nest construction, whereas other collect plant resin for this purpose. All feed on pollen and nectar, although some of these feed on pollen collected by other bees (and so are called 'cuckoo bees').

C. Sharp-tailed bee (Coelioxys sp.)

There are eight different species of sharp-tailed bees in Britain and, for the moment, we aren't certain which one the individual photographed here might be. All eight of these bees are small, with a length of between 5 and 9 millimetres, with black and white banded abdomens. Most tend to be found in the south of England.


Sharp-tailed bee

There are eight different species of sharp-tailed bees in Britain and, for the moment, we aren't certain which one the individual photographed here might be. All eight of these bees are small, with a length of between 5 and 9 millimetres. Most tend to be found in the south of England.

Sharp-tailed bee

There are eight different species of sharp-tailed bees in Britain and, for the moment, we aren't certain which one the individual photographed here might be. All eight of these bees are small, with a length of between 5 and 9 millimetres. Most tend to be found in the south of England.