Species: Root-maggot fly - unnamed 2 (Leucophora sp.)

Family: Root-maggot flies (ANTHOMYIIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Root-maggot flies (ANTHOMYIIDAE)

Root Maggot Flies are flies that deposit their larvae in the stems and roots of various plants. They resemble small houseflies, often with grey and black bodies.

C. Root-maggot fly - unnamed 2 (Leucophora sp.)

These small flies - and their larvae - are parasites of various solitary bees, ants and social and solitary wasps. This individual is a member of the Leucophora family of root-maggot flies, although we've not been able to pin down its exact species.


Leucophora sp.

These small flies - and their larvae - are parasites of various solitary bees, ants and social and solitary wasps.