Species: Robberfly - unnamed 1 (Machimus sp.)

Family: Robber flies (ASILIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Robber flies (ASILIDAE)

Robber flies are small, powerfully-built, hairy flies. They are predators of other flies and insects, being adept at ambush. They often wait by areas of water in the expectation of catching prey that visit there.

C. Robberfly - unnamed 1 (Machimus sp.)

This individual was one of two robberfly species known in Briatin, either Machimus atricapillus or Machimus cingulatus. It was seen in July beside a small pond in the Cemetery, darting back and forth from rest on a blade of grass, no doubt hunting for prey.


Robberfly - unnamed 1

It was seen in July beside a small pond in the Cemetery, darting back and forth from rest on a blade of grass, no doubt hunting for prey.