A. Flowering Plants
More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.
B. Primroses (PRIMULACEAE)
This is a mainly temperate and cold region family, with many familiar wildflowers and cultivars amongst its members.
C. Primrose (Primula vulgaris)
The March flowering of our native primroses is a welcome sight in the countryside. A typical clutch size for hens or geese is 13, and each primrose represents a chick in the old saying that if you bring fewer than 13 primroses into the house then that number is all hens and geese will lay or hatch that year. Scatter primroses outside the byre door to stop faeries stealing the cows' milk. Primroses and Marsh Marigolds, both the colour of the sun, were used in Beltane decorations. If primrose flowers out of season it is a portent of death in the family. Primroses are associated with courtship. 'The Primrose Path' is a path of delusional pleasure. The whole plant has been used effectively for the treatment of muscular rheumatism, and also restlessness and insomnia. A root infusion eases nervous headaches, and a flower infusion calms hysteria. The flowers are edible and may be added to soups and rice.