Species: Polyanthus (Primula polyantha)

Family: Primroses (PRIMULACEAE)

Category: Flowering Plants

Location: Widespread

A. Flowering Plants

More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Primroses (PRIMULACEAE)

This is a mainly temperate and cold region family, with many familiar wildflowers and cultivars amongst its members.

C. Polyanthus (Primula polyantha)

Polyanthuses are garden varieties of Primroses which have been cultivated for their colour varieties. Like the Primrose from which they have been derived, they are perennials. Although there are several varieties in the Cemetery, they are substantially outnumbered by the native Primrose.



Polyanthuses are garden varieties of Primroses which have been cultivated for their colour varieties.


Notice the slight colour-variation between this Polyanthus and the previous one.