Species: Planthopper - unnamed 2 (Javesella dubia)

Family: Planthoppers (DELPHACIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Planthoppers (DELPHACIDAE)

There are perhaps 2,000 species of Delphacidae planthoppers. They differ from other planthoppers by the prominent spur on the tibia of the hind leg.

These small insects can be pests, especially on cereal crops.

C. Planthopper - unnamed 2 (Javesella dubia)

This is a very common species of planthopper in Britain, found especially in grassland and woodlands between May and September. It has variable appearance/colouring, but is approximately 2.5 millimetres in length.


Planthopper - unnamed 2 (Javesella dubia)

This is a common species of planthopper in Britain, found especially in grassland and woodlands between May and September. It has variable appearance/colouring, but is approximately 2.5 millimetres in length.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)