Species: Planthopper - unnamed 1 (Dicranotropis hamata)

Family: Planthoppers (DELPHACIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NE

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Planthoppers (DELPHACIDAE)

There are perhaps 2,000 species of Delphacidae planthoppers. They differ from other planthoppers by the prominent spur on the tibia of the hind leg.

These small insects can be pests, especially on cereal crops.

C. Planthopper - unnamed 1 (Dicranotropis hamata)

These tiny (3 to 4 millimetres in length) planthoppers are found in grassland across England, being seen between May and September. They are common.


Planthopper - unnamed 1 (Dicranotropis hamata)

These tiny (3 to 4 millimetres in length) planthoppers are found in grassland across England, being seen between May and September.

The one photographed here is a male with a distinctive dark abdomen and pale forewings (each having a dark spot).

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)

Planthopper - unnamed 1 (Dicranotropis hamata)

These planthoppers are relatively common.

The one photographed here is a female, having distinctive keels on the face.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)