Species: Ladybird Fly (Gymnosoma rotundatum)

Family: Tachinid flies (TACHINIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Tachinid flies (TACHINIDAE)

Tachinid flies have perhaps 8,000 or more different species. In general, they parasitise other insects.

C. Ladybird Fly (Gymnosoma rotundatum)

The Ladybird Fly is the colloquial name given to Gymnosoma rotundatum for fairly obvious reasons. This 5 -6 millimetre long fly has a round abdomen with obvious dark spots. These flies are parasitic, laying their eggs on shieldbugs. Larvae that hatch work their way into the shieldbug, feeding off their innards. As they pupate, they bore their way through the insect's outer wall to begin life as an adult.


Ladybird Fly

Gymnosoma rotundatum flies are parasitic, laying their eggs on shieldbugs.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)