A. Flowering Plants
More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.
B. Asparagus and allies (ASPARAGACEAE)
This is a huge, diverse family that includes a number of familiar garden bulb cultivars.
C. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis)
Hyacinths are bulbous, spring-blooming perennials that used to be classed as members of the Lilly family. They have been cultivated for their colour variations, of which just a few can be found in the Cemetery, no doubt planted on individual graves.
Homer tells of a flower that sprang from the blood of a youth of this name who had been killed by the god Zephyr. More recently, T.S. Eliot wrote in the opening section of his poem The Waste Land of a 'hyacinth girl' and a 'Hyacinth garden'.
The blubs of hyacinths contain oxalic acid and are poisonous, capable of causing skin irritation, so wear gloves when handling them.