Species: Housefly - unnamed 3 (Graphomya maculata)

Family: House flies (MUSCIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. House flies (MUSCIDAE)

Houseflies are commonly associated with people and can be found where they dwell, even in the Arctic. They are grey to black, have bristly thoraxes and red eyes.

Adult houseflies have short lives of no more than a month or so. They can hibernate through our winter months.

C. Housefly - unnamed 3 (Graphomya maculata)

Female Graphomya maculata flies have a grey and black pattern, while the males have an orange-brown abdomen. They both have distinctive thoracic stripes. They can be found in meadows, and on hedgerows and verges taking nectar from flowers, especially umbellifers, in summer. These flies are common and widespread in England and Wales.


Housefly - unnamed 3 (Graphomya maculata)

Female Graphomya maculata flies have a grey and black pattern, while the males have an orange-brown abdomen. This individual is a male, photographed in July 2023.

Housefly - unnamed 3 (Graphomya maculata)

Female Graphomya maculata flies have a grey and black pattern, while the males have an orange-brown abdomen. This individual is a male, photographed in July 2023.