Species: Capsid bug - unnamed 2 (Heterotoma planicornis)

Family: Capsid bugs (MIRIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Capsid bugs (MIRIDAE)

Capsid bugs form the largest family of true bugs, numbering over ten thousand known species. It is a certainty that there are many more, not least because they are small, and distinguishing even a single new member of the family from any of the existing members is a daunting task. Members of this family are often considered as pests that pierce the tissue of plants to eat their sap.

C. Capsid bug - unnamed 2 (Heterotoma planicornis)

These tiny bugs have a length of between 4 and 5 millimetres. They have dark bodies with green legs. Their antennae are distinctive, having a broad and flattened second segment.

The eggs of these bugs hatch in May and become adults from June onwards.


Heterotoma planicornis

Their antennae of Heterotoma planicornis are distinctive, having a broad and flattened second segment. In this photograph, the third and fourth segments of the antennae are out of focus, but can just be seen as being paler and certainly much thinner than the enlarged second segment.

This individual was photographed on a Bramble leaf.