Species: Heart and Club (Agrotis clavis)

Family: Owlet Moths (NOCTUIDAE)

Category: Butterflies & Moths

Location: SE

A. Butterflies & Moths

B. Owlet Moths (NOCTUIDAE)

The Noctuidae - or Owlet Moths - are sometimes considered the largest family of butterflies and moths, with nearly 12,000 different species.

C. Heart and Club (Agrotis clavis)

The Heart & Club moth has a wingspan of 35 to 40mm. It is similar to the Heart and Dart moth that has also been found in the cemetery.

This individual was caught in a moth trap on the night of June 10th 2022. It is relatively common in the south-east of England.

This moth overwinters in soil cavities as a full-grown larva before pupating in spring.


Heart and Club

This individual was caught in a moth trap on the night of June 10th 2022. It is relatively common in the south-east of England.

Heart and Club

This moth overwinters in soil cavities as a full-grown larva before pupating in spring.

Heart and Club

This Hart and Club moth was caught in a trap in the cemetery (then released) on June 16th 2022. Note the pronounced feather-like appearance of the antennae.