Species: Hare's Ear (Otidea onotica)

Family: Sac Mushrooms and allies (PYRONEMATACEAE)

Category: Fungi

Location: One Sighting

A. Fungi

More extensive information on fungi can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Sac Mushrooms and allies (PYRONEMATACEAE)

This family includes the cup fungi.

C. Hare's Ear (Otidea onotica)

This irregularly ear-shaped cup fungus is attached by a short white stalk, and is of an ochraceous colour.


Hare's Ear

The irregularly ear-shaped Hare's Ear cup fungus is attached by a short white stalk, and is of an ochraceous colour.

Hare's Ear

The Hare's Ear is of an ochraceous colour.