A. Birds
More extensive information on birds can be found in a separate blog post.
Finches are among our most colourful songsters, and familiar garden birds. They are specialist seed eaters, whose bills vary in size, shape, and stoutness according to the preferred seed diet.
C. Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
The trilling call of the Greenfinch, a resident breeder and winter visitor, is a lovely sound, but less frequently heard these days than in the past.
The 5th Birds of Conservation Concern review, published in November 2021, (conducted by the RSPB, the BTO and various other trusts and agencies) moved the Greenfinch from the GREEN list to the RED list to reflect its population slump since 1993 following an outbreak of the infection trichomonosis in the species.
The Greenfinch's stout bill reveals its preference for large seeds, such as rose hips and cereal grains.