Species: Flea Beetle - unnamed 1 (Sphaeroderma sp.)

Family: Flea or leaf beetles (CHRYSOMELIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: SW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Flea or leaf beetles (CHRYSOMELIDAE)

Flea beetles, also known as Leaf beetles, cover between 40,000 and 50,000 different species of small beetles which are grouped into numerous sub-families. No single characteristic defines this family of insects.

As with other beetles, the life-cycle includes larvae and adults, both of which feed on plant tissue. Many are pests of crops.

C. Flea Beetle - unnamed 1 (Sphaeroderma sp.)

The Sphaeroderma flea beetles have two different species, both of which feed on thistles or knapweeds, of which there are four types in the Cemetery. Sometimes they feed on knapweeds, of which there are two types.

They can be found between May or June and September. They are widespread in England.


Flea Beetle - unnamed 1 (Sphaeroderma sp.)

The Sphaeroderma flea beetles have two different species, both of which feed on thistles, of which there are four types in the Cemetery. Sometimes they feed on knapweeds, of which there are two types.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)