Species: Flat wasp - unnamed 1 (Bethylus sp.)

Family: Flat wasps (BETHYLIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: SE

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Flat wasps (BETHYLIDAE)

Bethlyd wasps are either parasitic wasps or hunting wasps. They are found in North America or Europe.

C. Flat wasp - unnamed 1 (Bethylus sp.)

Bethylid (or 'flat') wasps are small parasitic wasps that attack the larvae of beetles, weevils and moths. As with most parasitic wasps, females inject their eggs directly into the host's body. The eggs hatch into parasitic larvae that feed off the host before developing into adults wasps inside the host.


Flat wasp - unnamed 1

Bethylid (or 'flat') wasps are small parasitic wasps that attack the larvae of beetles, weevils and moths.

(Photo credit: Stuart MA Ball.)