Species: Ensign Fly - unnamed 1 (Sepsis sp.)

Family: Ensign flies (SEPSIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Ensign flies (SEPSIDAE)

Ensign flies - or black scavenger flies - number about 300 worldwide. They are often ant mimics and are notable for the way in which they wave their wings.

C. Ensign Fly - unnamed 1 (Sepsis sp.)

This fly is tiny - about 3 millimetres long. It is extremely difficult to identify which member of the Sepsis genus this one is, so it receives the "sp." designation.

The dark spots near the end of each wing are distinctive, as is this individual's resemblance to an ant, with a narrow 'waist' and a shiny black body.

These little insects are common and widespread, although you may never notice them!


Ensign Fly - unnamed 1

Ensign flies are tiny - about 3 millimetres long, and resemble ants. It is extremely difficult to identify which member of the Sepsis genus this one is, so it receives the "sp." designation.