A. Flowering Plants
More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.
B. Primroses (Primulaceae)
This is a mainly temperate and cold region family, with many familiar wildflowers and cultivars amongst its members.
C. Cowslip (Primula veris)
Flowering a month later than the primrose, the cowslip is also a useful addition to the early season list of culinary ingredients. The young leaves may be added to salads and also used to stuff meat. The flowers may be sucked for their sweet nectar, and were used to make cowslip jelly. ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ refers to the use of an infusion to improve the complexion, and cowslip wine has long been used as a sedative. Its use against jaundice may be because of the yellow colour of its flowers rather than any effectiveness. In Sussex cowslips are traditionally called ‘peggles’, presumably because of the passing resemblance of the flower structure to clothes pegs.