Species: Common or Black Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)


Category: Flowering Plants

Location: SE

A. Flowering Plants

More extensive information on flowering plants can be found in a separate blog post.


This is one of the largest worldwide flowering plant families and is well represented in the UK. The name Compositae refers to the clustering of the flowers (called florets) into compact heads, so that an entire cluster represents a single 'flower'. They also have one-seeded fruits called achenes.

C. Common or Black Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)

This native species was introduced into the cemetery. The leaves are lanceolate and the sepal-like bracts are blackish-brown. Black Knapweed flowers in June. The hard flower head gave its name to this plant, 'knap' being an old form of 'knob'. It is a good vulnerary, being used for wounds, bruises and sores, and a decoction is also used for catarrh.

This plant food is favoured by Red-tailed Bumblebees.


Common or Black Knapweed

Common or Black Knapweed is a native species that was introduced into the cemetery.

Common or Black Knapweed

It is a good vulnerary, being used for wounds, bruises and sores, and a decoction is also used for catarrh.

Common or Black Knapweed

The leaves of Common or Black Knapweed are lanceolate and the sepal-like bracts are blackish-brown.

Common or Black Knapweed

Black Knapweed flowers in June.