Species: Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina)

Family: Stink Bugs (PENTATOMIDAE)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: Widespread

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.


Most members of this family are plant feeders, and the cemetery is therefore very good habitat for them. The family name comes from the appearance of a five-sided body.

C. Common Green Shieldbug (Palomena prasina)

This common bug has a bright green colour early in the year, but this darkens to nearly bronze as the year progresses. In adults, there is a dark brown area at the rear end, where the hind wings cross.

Adult Common Green Shield bugs overwinter and emerge at springtime. Their five-sided bodies are distinctive. Eggs are laid on the undersides of leaves, and these hatch into nymphs that don't yet have this five-sided shape. Instead, they have a rounded shape when they appear in June, and they moult four or five times, with each new development changing their shape from round to five-sided. As this progresses throughout the late summer and autumn, their wings appear and develop from tiny wingbuds to fully-formed wings.


Common Green Shieldbug

The Common Green Shieldbug has a bright green colour early in the year, but this darkens to nearly bronze as the year progresses. This pair were taking advantage of the protective shelter of a Wild Carrot seed head, also known as Queen Anne's Lace.

Common Green Shieldbug

There is a dark brown area at the rear end of the Common Green Shieldbug, where the hind wings cross.

Common Green Shieldbug

A Common Green Shieldbug photographed from above on a Wild Carrot plant in late August. With its round shape, this individual is likely to be a final instar nymph.

Common Green Shieldbug

A Common Green Shieldbug photographed head-on on a Wild Carrot plant in late August. This individual is likely to be a final instar nymph.