Species: Common Earthball (Scleroderma citrinum)

Family: Gilled Mushrooms (SCLERODERMATACEAE)

Category: Fungi

Location: One Sighting

A. Fungi

More extensive information on fungi can be found in a separate blog post.


Often called ‘witches’ eggs’, this family contains familiar woodland fungi known as earthballs and earthstars, which may be locally abundant

C. Common Earthball (Scleroderma citrinum)

Looking like a warty potato, and having an unpleasant rubbery odour, this fungus has a tough skin that ruptures to release its spores, which are dispersed by the wind or washed into the soil by rain. It has no stem, and is coloured variously from white to yellow to brown.


Common Earthball

Looking like a warty potato, and having an unpleasant rubbery odour, this fungus has a tough skin that ruptures to release its spores, which are dispersed by the wind or washed into the soil by rain.

Common Earthball

The Common Earthball has no stem, and is coloured variously from white to yellow to brown.