Species: Brown Rollrim (Paxillus involutus)

Family: Gilled Mushrooms (PAXILLACEAE)

Category: Fungi

Location: One Sighting

A. Fungi

More extensive information on fungi can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Gilled Mushrooms (PAXILLACEAE)

This family contains both mushrooms with decurrent gills and with decurrent pores.

C. Brown Rollrim (Paxillus involutus)

The cap is flattened with a slight depression towards the middle. The edges roll under to the gills. The pale brown stem darkens on bruising.


Brown Rollrim

The cap of the Brown Rollrim is flattened with a slight depression towards the middle.

Brown Rollrim

The edges of the Brown Rollrim roll under to the gills.

Brown Rollrim

The pale brown stem of the Brown Rollrim darkens on bruising.

Brown Rollrim

This family Paxillaceae, to which the Brown Rollrim belongs, contains both mushrooms with decurrent gills and with decurrent pores.