Species: Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)

Family: Dragonflies (LIBELLULOIDEA)

Category: Insects (Other)

Location: NW

A. Insects (Other)

More extensive information on insects can be found in a separate blog post.

B. Dragonflies (LIBELLULOIDEA)

Chasers and Darters are members of the Libellulidae family. With three other families of insects - the Corduliidae (emeralds and green-eyed skimmers), the Gomphomacromiidae and the Macrommiidae (the cruisers and skimmers) - they make up what is called the superfamily of dragonflies (Libelluloidea).

The Chasers and Darters are a brightly coloured, banded-winged family, which is the largest dragonfly family in the world. Their bodies are shorter and broader than the popular image of the dragonfly.

C. Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)

The male Broad-bodied Chaser has a blue abdomen with yellow spots on the sides, and the female has a golden-brown abdomen with yellow spots on the sides. There are four wing patches, near the body.


Broad-bodied Chaser

The male Broad-bodied Chaser has a blue abdomen with yellow spots on the sides, and the female has a golden-brown abdomen with yellow spots on the sides. There are four wing patches, near the body. This photograph is of a male.