A. Birds
More extensive information on birds can be found in a separate blog post.
Among our most familiar and gregarious garden birds, the tits are tiny, acrobatic omnivores with short legs and the sturdy bills that omnivores need.
C. Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus)
Blue tits are regular visitors to garden feeders, favouring peanuts over other seeds. They are resident breeders, as well as Winter visitors, and the female lays a single clutch of 10-15 eggs, timed to take advantage of availability of caterpillars, although mortality of chicks is high and only 2 or 3 will survive into adulthood. In 2016 3.4 million pairs were recorded, giving a conservation status of GREEN.
Blue Tit
This Blue Tit is about to be released, having been ringed in Heene Cemetery on March 15th 2021. This was done by a registered bird ringer. (For more information about bird ringing, see https://www.bto.org/our-science/projects/ringing/about.)