Vincent Morley was born in Cambridge in Dec.1887, to Felix Wilson Morley, 29yrs, an Organist and Teacher of Music and Sarah nee Smith Morley, 32yrs.
In 1891 Vincent was 3yrs. old and had 5 siblings, Esther 7, Rachel 6, Bernard 5, Adela 2 and Denys 6 months. The family lived at 1, Maids Causeway, Cambridge. In 1911 Vincent was 23yrs old and he was a resident assistant Schoolmaster at Scaitliffe School, a private preparatory school in Englefield Green, Surrey.
At some point Vincent went to India, living at Sladens Gardens, Kilpauk, Madras, where he became an oil merchant.
Vincent Morley died, aged 43yrs, on 16th October 1930 at 31a Wilbury Crescent, Hove, the home of his sister, Rachel. Probate was granted to his brother, Bernard, Cable and Wireless Operator and sister, Rachel, Spinster. Effects - £7342 4s 5d. Value 2020 - £483K.
His death certificate gave the cause of death as (a) Angina Pectoris (b) Arterial Sclerosis.