Rowland Walkey (buried 1928)

At a glance

At a glance
First name: 
Other Christian names: 
Burial number: 
Army Colonel
Royal Artillery Colonel
Heene Hallmark: 
Commonwealth War Grave: 

The Grave

The grave
Cemetery area: 
Cemetery row: 
Cemetery plot: 
Burial remains: 
The headstone
Headstone inscription: 
In affectionate memory of Lucy the beloved wife of Col. R. Walkey R.A. born 1839, born again 1872. Departed 30th April 1916 aged 77 "Jesus said Ye must be born again" John 1, 12,13 and 3,7, also John 5.1 "called - justified by his blood, glorified" Romans 5, 9 and 8, 30. Sacred also to the memory of the above named Colonel Rowland Walkey born June 1840, born again May 1870. Called to be with the Lord Feb 12 1928 "A sinner saved by grace"

Life story

Life story

Colonel Rowland Walkey 1840 - 1928 Retired Colonel Born in Lucton, Herefordshire, Rowland was born to Charles Collyns Walkey and Millborough Ann Huyshe.

Rowland Walkey was a retired colonel in the Royal Artillery who served in India.

to be continued.

Burial researcher: 
Pat Brownbill

Further information

Date born: 
Marriage 1
Spouse one first names: 
Spouse one last name: 


Death (details)
Date of death: 
Age (at time of death): 
Cause of death: 
Address at time of death: 
18 St. Botolph's Road, Worthing, Sussex, England

Worthing Gazette 22nd February, 1928

Colonel Walkey. EVANGELICAL WORK AFTER ARMY CAREER. The funeral took place at Heeneon Thursday of Colonel Rowland Walkey late of the Royal Artillery, death at the advanced age of 87 occurred at his residence in St. Botolph’s Road the previous Sunday. Born in June. 1840. Colonel Walkey entered the Army from the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich 1860 and serto-d fur some years in ludic. He returned home to take up the post of Instructor at the Academy at which she bad been a Cadet. but subsequently went back to India. • In 1887 he was appointed to penimand the Artillery in the Northern District at York. a position which he held until 1889. when he was placed in charge of the School of Gunnery in the Isle of Wight. Finally he commanded the Artillery in the Western District from 1894 until. Ilia rettic• meat from the Army three years hotel. DEEPLY RELI6IOUS. A man of deep religious convictions since the age of 26. Colonel Walkey was actively absociated with evangelical work in Worthing. and in addition to preaching oil the Front lie actid as leader of a weekly Prayer Meeting that has now been held fur several years at 11, Liverpool , gardens, and which during the War was held The interment in Herne Cemetery was preceded by a service at St. lltolph's Church, conducted by the deceased's two bons, the Revs. O. R. Walkey, of St. Keyne Rectory, Cornwall, acid the Rev. J. R. Walkey, Chaplain to the . Royal Force at Halton, Buckinghainshitc. The chief mourners were Mr. .1. R. Walkey (tlaughter•iii-law), the Rev, R. W. ('olcmhoun IVuar of St. Ul ' h, I ton), and Mrs. l'olquhouti, Mr. It. A. G. Hantlington, riwitolon I son-in-law ), and Mrs. Popplewell tgratidalauWiter. Mrs. Hannington and Mrs. A. R. Walkey were unable io be present and Colonel Walkey',, other daughter, Mrs. Percy R. Ferris, is in Western Australia. Among others present at the 'Church were the Rector of Beene (the Rev. J. I'. Fallowes), Rear.Aihniral E. .1. Fleet, C.8.E., the Rev. M. - J. Hemnan. Pastor Trevor, Messrs. E. W. Hewlett, .1. Barns, E. J. Burnett, Borrrek, F. Pori; H. Crockfurd, Johnson, Robinson and F. Taylor.

Census and miscellaneous information

Census information
1921 census: 

18 St Botolph's Road, Worthing, Sussex.

Rowland aged 80, officer in Royal Artillery retired. Hyacinth Gertrude Ferris aged 37, daughter, visitor, home duties. Hyacinth Lucy Ferris aged 13, visitor. Rosetta Margaret Ferris aged 12, visitor. Violet Mary Ferris aged 9, visitor. Plus 1 servant.