Female portrait placeholder image

Name: Mary Stillaway

Burial Number: 0174

Gender: Female

Born: 00/00/1875

Died: 20/03/1891

Buried: 25/02/1891


Mary Jane Stillaway was born in 1875 in Rogate, Sussex. Her parents were William, 26yrs, and Sarah nee Buckman, 25yrs, they were married on 2nd July 1870 in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. In 1881 Mary Jane was 6yrs old, she had an older sister, Caroline, 9yrs, and a younger sister, Elizabeth, 2yrs. Her father, William, 32yrs, was a Police Constable and her mother, Sarah, 31yrs, they lived at Spring Gardens, Storrington. In 1882 a brother, Richard Henry was born, and another sister, Jessie, in 1886. In 1889 Sarah Stillaway died in Horsham, aged 39yrs. The family moved to Worthing when William, now a sergeant, was stationed there and lived at 13, Milton St. On 21st March 1891 Mary Jane Stillaway died at 13, Milton Street, Worthing, aged 16yrs. Her death certificate gave the cause of death as “Phthisis Pulmonaris” (Tuberculosis).

Researcher: Unknown

The Grave

No headstone image available

Location in Cemetery

Area: SWS Row: 8 Plot: 15

Exact Location (what3words): surely.string.post

Ashes or Urn: Unknown



Mary is buried under the headstone for Clara Holloway


Our loved mother C Holloway called home January 16th 1928 "The gift of God - eternal life"

Further Information


Name: Mary Jane Stillaway

Gender: Female

Born: 00/00/1875

Town: Rogate

County: Sussex

Country: England


Maiden Name: Not applicable

No marriage information is available for this burial record.

Information at Death

Date of Death: 20/03/1891

Cause of death: Phthisis Pulmonalis

Address line 2: 13

Address line 3: Milton Street

Town: Worthing

County: Sussex

Country: England


No obituary has been entered.

Personal Effects

Money left to others: No value recorded

Current value of effects: Not calculated

Census Information


Living at Spring Gardens, Storrington – William Stillaway, 32yrs, Police Constable, Sarah Stillaway, 31yrs with Caroline 9, Mary Jane 6 and Elizabeth 2.

Miscellaneous Information

Worthing Gazette, Wednesday 13th January 1892

SUICIDE OF A POLICE SERGEANT – A SAD STORY – The disappearance of Sergeant Stillaway from his post of duty was notified on Wednesday, and on Thursday the unexpected and distressing intelligence was received at Worthing that his dead body had been discovered at Ashurst, near Henfield. For a period of about two years the deceased man had been stationed at Worthing, prior to which he had performed occasional duty here during the Salvation Army disturbances in the summer and autumn of 1884. For the long term of nearly twenty-one years he had been connected with the West Sussex Constabulary Force, having served in several of its divisions. A man of fine physique, he was of a jovial disposition, and was regarded by his comrades and by those who came in contact with him outside his duty as possessing many good points. About two years since his wife died, and he was greatly affected by his loss, his trouble being largely increased about twelve months later by the death of his daughter. He was then left with four children, with whom he continued to reside in Milton Street. The eldest surviving daughter is about nineteen years of age, the three other children being between five and thirteen. Stillaway himself, we may mention here, was forty-three years old. Accumulated family troubles would appear to have affected his mind, his behaviour being most singular after he had unfortunately partaken too freely of drink. Yesterday week he seems to have acted in a most unaccountable manner, being guilty, it is alleged, of a violation of his duty. He made an entirely unprovoked attack during the evening upon Mrs. Kidd as she was returning to her home, and information has since reached us of several additional instances of a like character. The assault against Mrs. Kidd was duly reported by her husband to Stillaway’s superior officer, but, according to Stillaway’s own account, his mind was on the following morning a perfect blank as to the occurrence. It weighed, however, heavily upon him, and, going home a little after noon on Wednesday, he took off his uniform in the bedroom, removed his watch from his pocket, and left the house without a word as to his intention. He walked to Ashurst, near Henfield, where he was born, and there his body was found in a cart shed on the following morning. It was evident that the deceased met his death by hanging, for there was a piece of blind cord around his neck, while another piece was found fastened to the back part of a waggon. His weight, it seemed, had broken the cord, and he was probably not dead when he fell, for blood had escaped from a wound caused by his coming in contact with the ground. On the body being searched a pathetic little note was found, in which, in one simple sentence, he pleaded for pity for his children. Extract from the Inquest held at the Fountain Inn, Ashurst. – The first witness examined was P.C. Ridett, who was a few years since in the Worthing Division and is now stationed at Henfield. He said he had seen the body and identified it as that of William Stillaway, a Sergeant of the West Sussex Police Force. Deceased was stationed at Worthing. He received a report at a quarter to nine on the previous morning that a man had hung himself at Eatons, and he went at once. The body was in the cart-house. The body was doubled up with the legs underneath. He found the cord (produced) round his neck with the knot just below his right ear. The cord had been loosened when he arrived. Another piece of the cord was tied on to the back of a waggon. He searched the body and found a knife, whistle and keys, two pills, and three penny pieces in bronze. There was also a purse containing a little money. On a piece of paper in that which he believed was the deceased’s handwriting were the words: Stillaway. Have pity upon my poor children. Good-bye all. William Stillaway. It was written upon an ordinary piece of white paper. Verdict – The deceased committed suicide whilst in a state of unsound mind.