Female portrait placeholder image

Name: Mary Letcher

Burial Number: 1248

Gender: Female

Occupation: Private Means

Distinction: Born Illogan, Cornwall

Born: 00/00/1852

Died: 00/06/1926

Buried: 12/06/1926


Mary Letcher (1855-1826)

Mary was born in Illogan Cornwall to Thomas Letcher a sub-postmaster, railway agent and grocer. Her mother was Lydia Phillips (1816-1891). She had 5 siblings, Ellen (1884), Thomas (1845), Richard (1847), Alfred (1849) and Jameson (1851).
In 1881 she was still living with her parents in a grocer’s shop in Porthreath, Redruth, Cornwall.

At the time of the 1911 census, Mary is living at 11 Eastleigh Road, Tunbridge Well, with her 44 year old widowed friend, Emma S Blake from Clapham, Surrey.

In 1921, Mary and Emma are living in Worthing according to the 1921 census. Mary died on 9th June, 1926 at 2 Reigate Road, Worthing aged 72 years and the informant was Emma S Blake.

Researcher: Pat Brownbill

The Grave

No headstone image available

Location in Cemetery

Area: NWS Row: 6 Plot: 7

Exact Location (what3words): global.cried.plates

Ashes or Urn: Unknown



Mary Joanna Letcher is buried under the headstone for Elizabeth Jane Stuchfield


In loving memory of Elizabeth Jane Stuchfield who died at Worthing Aug 18th 1896 aged 49 years

Further Information


Name: Mary Joanna Letcher

Gender: Female

Born: 00/00/1852

Town: Redruth

County: Unknown

Country: England


Maiden Name: Not applicable

No marriage information is available for this burial record.

Information at Death

Date of Death: 00/06/1926

Cause of death: Rheumatoid Arthritis; Arteris-Sclerosis Cerebral Thrombosis

Address line 2: 2

Address line 3: Reigate Road

Town: Worthing

County: Sussex

Country: England


No obituary has been entered.

Personal Effects

Money left to others: No value recorded

Current value of effects: Not calculated

Census Information


Living at 2 North Row, Illogan, Portreath, Cornwall – Thomas (48) sub-postmaster, Lydia (47) wife, Ellen (17), Thomas (16) railway clerk, Richard, (14) scholar, Jameson (10), scholar, Mary J (6) scholar


Living at a Grocer’s shop on Portreath Row, Illogan – Thomas (68) railway traffic agent, Lydia (67) wife, Thomas (36) broker, Minnie (mary?) 25


Living at 11 East Cliff Road, Tunbridge Wells – Mary (56) private means, Emma Blake (44) widow private means


2 Reigate Road, Worthing, Sussex.

Mary J aged 47, head. Emma S Blake aged 55, resident friend, home duties.

Miscellaneous Information

No miscellaneous information is available for this burial record.