Female portrait placeholder image

Name: Margaret Challis

Burial Number: 1780

Gender: Female

Born: 10/05/1944

Died: 15/05/1944

Buried: 15/05/1944


Margaret Kate Challis was born on May 1944, in Worthing. Her father, Ronald Vincent was a musician and gardener aged 34, and her mother was Helen Webster Anderson from Aberdeen, aged 34. She died 5 days later and was buried In Heene Cemetery.

Researcher: Pat Brownbill

The Grave

No headstone image available

Location in Cemetery

Area: NWS Row: 6 Plot: 19

Exact Location (what3words): skin.swing.manual

Ashes or Urn: Unknown



No description of the headstone has been added.


In sacred memory of my dear husband Vincent Henry Challis died 31st March 1934 aged 64 "In God's keeping" Also of his beloved wife Kate Edith Challis died 7th Dec 1939 aged 67 "My dear mother and father" Baby Margaret aged 5 days daughter of Ronald and Helen Challis

Further Information


Name: Margaret Kate Challis

Gender: Female

Born: 10/05/1944

Town: Worthing

County: West Sussex

Country: England


Maiden Name: Not applicable

No marriage information is available for this burial record.

Information at Death

Date of Death: 15/05/1944

Cause of death: Unknown

Address line 2: 38

Address line 3: George V Avenue

Town: Worthing

County: West Sussex

Country: England


No obituary has been entered.

Personal Effects

Money left to others: No value recorded

Current value of effects: Not calculated

Census Information

No census information is available for this burial record.

Miscellaneous Information

No miscellaneous information is available for this burial record.