At a glance
The Grave
Life story
Further information
Census and miscellaneous information
10 Welllington terrace Greenwich
John Booth (head) age 43, Louise Booth (Wife) age 45, Lionel Booth (Son) age 19, Elizabeth (Daughter) age 15, George (Son) age 10, Alfred (Son) age 9, Montague (Son) age 7, Edward (Son) age 5, plus one servant
146 Blackham Road Accrington
Lionel Booth (Head) age 39, Frances Mary (Wife) age 40, Frances Edith (Daughter) age 2, Mary Mabel (Daughter) age 1, Lionel Hethorn (Son) age 2 months, plus 3 servants
Sherburn House, Sherburn Hospital
Lionel Booth (Head) age 49, Frances Mary (Wife) 51, Frances (Daughter) age 12, Mary (Daughter) age 4, Lionel (Son) age 10, John (Son) age 8. Plus 2 servants
Sherburn House, Sherburn Hospital
Lionel Booth (Head) age 59, Frances (Wife) age 61, Frances (Daughter) age 22, Mary (Daughter) age 21, John (Son) age 17, plus 2 servants
Haddon House, Shelley Road, Worthing
Lionel Booth (Head) age 69, Frances Mary (Wife) age 71, Frances Edith (Daughter) age 32, plus 1 servant
Durham Advertiser - 3rd June 1881

Appointment of House Surgeon to Sherburn Hospital - At a special meeting of the Governors of Sherburn Hospital, held on Monday last in Durham, Dr Lionel Booth, of Accrington, was appointed medical officer of that institution, in the place of Mr Gillespie, resigned. There were upwards of seventy candidates. Dr Booth received his training at Guy's Hospital, where he also acted as assistant surgeon. He subsequently gained considerable experience at York Dispensary, Burwash, and during the course of a large practice in Lancashire. He came before the Governors with the highest possible testimonials both as to medical skills and three qualifications which are essential to as important and responsible position.