Henry Milne (buried 1889)

At a glance

At a glance
First name: 
Other Christian names: 
Burial number: 
Deacon; Priest; Clergyman; Rector;
Heene Hallmark: 
Commonwealth War Grave: 

The Grave

The grave
Cemetery area: 
Cemetery row: 
Cemetery plot: 
Burial remains: 
The headstone
Endowed grave: 
Headstone description: 
EndowedGrave: Messrs. Patching keep stonework and lettering in good order for 10/- per annum Complete maintenance but not responsible for damage to stonework if due to subsidence!
Headstone inscription: 
Harriet Ellen Milne entered into rest May 18th 1930 Aged 77 Also of Eliza Catherine Milne Died July 8th 1938 Aged 87 "To be with Christ, which is far better" Frances Alice eldest daughter of Henry Milne entered into rest April 12th 1913 aged 64 Susan Widow of Henry Milne entered into rest October 27th 1905 aged 84 years "Peace, Perfect Peace"

Life story

Life story

Henry Milne was born on 20 June 1815, the eldest son of William and Alice Milne of Manchester, whose first son, William Henry was born in 1813, but died in 1814. Father William was a distiller, and had his distillery "in the old apple market on the north side of the Collegiate church and adjoining the play ground of the high-master's residence" in Marsden Street, Manchester. He died on 30 May 1826. Henry was educated at Manchester School, and entered Brasenose College Oxford upon matriculating in March 1834, where he was a Scholar from 1835 to 1837. He graduated BA in 1838 and MA in 1840. He was ordained Deacon at Winchester Cathedral in 1839 and Priest also at Winchester in 1840. He served his title as curate of Privett near Petersfield in Hampshire. In 1841 he was described as a Clergyman and living in West Meon, lodging with the family of a Saddler.

On 20 November 1842 he married Susanna Gould at Eccles in Lancashire. Susan, nee Gould, was also born in Manchester. Her father Richard was a Merchant, as was William Milne. In 1844 the Reverend Henry Milne became Rector of Holme Hale near Thetford in Norfolk in 1844, and held the benefice until his death. He was patron of the benefice, and a Justice of the Peace. By 1851, Henry and Susan had settled in Holme Hale, in Norfolk, with the first four of their seven children, (Richard, William, Frances and Eliza), living in style with five House Servants. In 1861, living in the Rectory at Holme Hale, Henry and Susan had a Governess to help with their 6 children, William, Frances, Eliza, Harriet, Charles and Susan. (Richard was then a pupil at Marlborough College).They also had a Cook, Housemaid, Nurse and an Under-Nurse. In the 1871 census, living in the Rectory in Holme Hale, Rev Henry and Susanna and their 5 unmarried daughters had a Cook, Housemaid, Sewing Maid and Kitchen Maid. Henry died on 28 March 1889. At Holme Hale where is a monumental inscription reading as follows: "In Memory of Henry Milne M.A. 45 years Rector of this Parish. Born June 20 1815. Died March 28 1880. And of Susanna his wife. Born May 10 1821 Died Oct 27 1905. Also Richard Henry Milne B.A. Eldest son of the above. For 6 Years Vicar of Goathland Yorkshire. Born Sept 19 1844 Died Dec 6 1889. (Henry died in 1889) By 1881 Henry, Susanna, with Frances, Harriet and Susan and a Cook, Sewing Maid and Housemaid were still living in Holme Hale Rectory. By 1888 Henry and Susanna are recorded at Penlee in St Michael's Road. In 1901 Susanna (living on her own means), with Frances, Eliza and Harriet were all living at Penlee. In 1911, Frances was a Patient in a Nursing Home in Victoria Road. When she died, in 1913, she gave her address as Lea-Holme, St Michael's Road, and Probate was given to sisters Eliza and Harriet. Eliza and Harriet were living together in 1911, still in St Michael's Road, living on private means, with a Cook and a Housemaid

Richard Henry Milne, was also educated at Brasenose College Oxford, where he graduated BA in 1868. He held several curacies from 1872, including that at St Mary Bishophill Senior in York, and became Vicar of Goathland in Yorkshire in 1883.

The second son, William Oswald Milne, became an architect in London. He was a pupil of Sir Arthur Blomfield and commenced his own practice in 1872. His son Oswald Partridge Milne 1881-1968 was also an architect.

Susan Caroline was the only one of the daughters to marry. She married Heathcote Gordon Winter, in Overstrand, Norfolk, in 1886, and they went on to have 4 children. Charles Milne was a Boarder at Felsted Grammar School, and, on leaving in 1880, emigrated to the USA.

Burial researcher: 
Liz Lane

Further information

Date born: 
Address at birth: 
Manchester, Greater Manchester, England
Marriage 1
Spouse one first names: 
Spouse one last name: 
Marriage one date: 
Marriage one address: 
Eccles, Lancashire, England


Death (details)
Date of death: 
Cause of death: 
Address at time of death: 
Penlee, St Michaels Road, Worthing, Sussex, England
Personal effects
Probate pounds: 

Census and miscellaneous information

Census information
1851 census: 

By 1851, Henry and Susan had settled in Holme Hale, in Norfolk, with the first four of their seven children, (Richard, William, Frances and Eliza), living in style with five House Servants.

1861 census: 

In 1861, living in the Rectory at Holme Hale, Henry and Susan had a Governess to help with their 6 children, William, Frances, Eliza, Harriet, Charles and Susan. (Richard was then a pupil at Marlborough College).They also had a Cook, Housemaid, Nurse and Under-Nurse.

1871 census: 

In the 1871 census, living in the Rectory in Holme Hale, Rev Henry and Susanna and their 5 unmarried daughters had a Cook, Housemaid, Sewing Maid and Kitchen Maid. Henry died on 28 March 1889. At Holme Hale where is a monumental inscription reading as follows:

1881 census: 

By 1881 Henry, Susanna, with Frances, Harriet and Susan and a Cook, Sewing Maid and Housemaid were still living in Holme Hale Rectory.