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Worthing Gazette 23rd August 1905
His Varied Clerical Career.
We regret to record the death of the Rev. Henry Charles Hancock, of Holland Lodge, St. Botolph's-road, Worthing. The deceased gentleman, who was of a singularly amiable disposition, and was sixty-one years of age, had had a varied and interesting clerical career, and had spent much time abroad. He was at one time Diocesan Chaplain at Kurnnegala, and afterwards Principal of the Diocesan Training College and College School, and Citrate of SL Paul, Kandy, from 1t179 to 1880. For two years subsequently be served as Acting Chaplain and officiating Chaplain to the Forces at Galls. Later he. was Incumbent of St. Joseph's, Rockland, Tasmania, and also Acting Incumbent of St. David's Cathedral. Hobart, Tasmania, and Christ Church, South Tarn, Melbourne, Victoria. He was connected with St. Augustine's, Kilburn, tram 11388 to 189 - 4, and was Wardell of St.'s Diocesan House of Mercy, at Great Maplestead, until 1898.
A Curacy at St. Boltoph's
A little later Mr. Hancock had charge, for a time, of Chelmsford Pariah Church, and is February 1898 he became Curate of St. Boltoph's, Heene, but was able to hold the appointment for a very short time only. The Parish Magazine of July of that year made the announcement that he had been compelled to relinquish the Curacy through ill-health; the Rector adding that "many who recognised Mr. Hancock's ability to fulfil the position he undertook in February last will regret the very short time his health allowed him to work here". Mr. Hancock continued to reside at West Worthing, and in the May number of the Chichester Diocesan Gazette, in 1900, it was announced that he had received the Bishop's licence to preach in the Diocese. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. The first part of the service was held at St. Andrew's Church, and the interment took place at Heene Cemetery. The arrangements were carried out by Messrs. E. Snewit and Son.