At a glanceAt a glanceSurname: BallardFirst name: GertrudeOther Christian names: Marian Gender: FemaleChildren: NoBurial number: 1198Born: 11/9/1860Died: 28/06/1925Buried: 01/07/1925Heene Hallmark: NoCommonwealth War Grave: No The GraveThe graveCemetery area: SESCemetery row: 7Cemetery plot: 24what3words location: remains: Unknown The headstoneEndowed grave: YesHeadstone description: None Found - Listed in Heene Cemetery Index of Graves EndowedGrave: Messrs. Patching keep stonework and lettering in good order for 10/- per annum keep tidy. Keep kerb clean and lettering in order. Nor responsible for damage to stonework due to subsidenceHeadstone inscription: None Found - Listed in Heene Cemetery Index of Graves Life storyLife storyGertrude was the last of the four children of Thomas and Ellen Hester (nee Holmes) Ballard. Thomas was a dealer in stocks and shares. Gertrude never had an occupation and never married. She was born on 11 September 1860 and lived most of her life in London but died at 8, Cowper Road, Worthing, on 28 June 1925. Her Will was administered by Arthur Gordon Valpy French, a Royal Navy surgeon, (son of her sister, Emma Annie) and Thomas Alexander Ballard (her brother), who like his father dealt on the Stock Exchange.Burial researcher: Angela Levy Further informationBirthDate born: 11/09/1860 DeathDeath (details)Date of death: 28/06/1925Age (at time of death): 64Cause of death: UnknownAddress at time of death: 8 Cowper Road, Worthing, Sussex, England Census and miscellaneous informationCensus information1861 census: 6, The Terrace, Stoke Newington, Middlesex Thomas Ballard, 50, head, dealer in stocks and shares; Ellen Hester Ballard, 38, wife; Ellen Grace Ballard, 3, daughter; Gertrude Marian Ballard, 7 months, daughter; Mary Ann Mowton, 50, visitor; plus 2 housemaids1871 census: 109, Albion Road East, Stoke Newington Ellen Hester Ballard, 48, head, widow, independent; Thomas Ballard, 21, son, Stock Exchange; Gertrude Ballard, 10, daughter, scholar; plus a female general servant1881 census: 1, Terrace Road, Walton-on-Thames Ellen H Ballard, 58, widow; Thomas a Ballard, 31, son; Ellen G Ballard, 23, daughter; Gertrude M Ballard, 20, daughter; plus a female general servant and a housemaid1891 census: Sidney Road, Walton-on-Thames Ellen H Ballard, 68,widow; Thomas A Ballard, 40, son, stock exchange; Gertrude M Ballard, 30, daughter; Emma A French, 35, daughter; Arthur G V French, 8, grandson; plus a housemaid1901 census: The Poplars, Sidney Road, Walton-on-Thames Ellen H Ballard, 78, living on own means; Thomas A Ballard, 51, son, Stock Exchange dealer; Ellen G Ballard, 43, daughter; Gertrude M Ballard, 40, daughter; plus a cook and a housemaid1911 census: The Poplar (sic), Sydney (sic) Road, Walton-on-Thames Ellen Hester Ballard, 88, head, widow, means (sic); Thomas Alex Ballard, 61, son, means; Ellen Grace Ballard, 53, daughter, means; Gertrude Marian Ballard, 50, means; plus a cook and a housemaid1921 census: South View, Bremerton, Wilts. Ellen Grace aged 63, no occupation. Gertrude Marian Ballard aged 60, sister, no occupation. Previous Random burial Next